Pot roast.
And jelly.
There was always jelly on her table. There were always white mounds of creamy and buttery potatoes. Her potatoes melted in your mouth like ice cream. It was glorious…
She had figurines all over her house and sofa pillows with flowers on them. She had two china cabinets filled with dishes and no dishwasher.
She played Scrabble and Skip-Bo and kept Blue Bell in the freezer. (If you aren’t from Texas, Blue Bell is the best ice cream in the country.)
She is a third generation Texan, born to migrant workers, and picked cotton throughout her childhood. She has no more than a third grade education, but has more wisdom than most PhDs.
She is my grandma.
She married Grandpa at 17 and had four children. She lived her life to take care of her family and followed Grandpa’s orders without argument.
Some disapproved of her choice to play the role of servant.
But she was married for 54 years and her husband held her hand until the day he died.
We should all be so lucky…