I had to get out of Boston fast. I wound up in Yuma, AZ.
What is your profession and do you enjoy it?
I survived the only way I knew how, picking pockets and running numbers. Suddenly I’m a wife and mother. It’s not what I had in mind.
How would others describe you? Are they accurate?
I’m wary. Life has made me that way.
When you met Daniel Chambers was it love at first sight?
I had no idea he would be so tall and handsome.
Was it love at first sight for Daniel?
I doubt it. He was expecting some completely different.
What do you like most about Daniel?
He is a generous and caring man.
What does he like most about you?
I haven’t given him much to like about me, yet.
If you could travel anywhere where would you go?
All I know is what I know. I was there. Now I’m here.
What’s one thing you learned from your personal love story?
Love is real. It took me a while to figure that out.
You are so right, Rachel. Love is very real. It sounds like you have had some tough times. Thank you for spending time with us today!

Mail Order Rachel by Kathleen Lawless
Not the bride he was expecting!
Rachel has looked after herself from a very young age. When she witnesses a murder, she needs to get out of town fast, before she’s next. Desperate, she takes her friend’s place as a mail-order bride out west.
Daniel longs for a wife and family. Not only is his mail-order bride not what he expected, she shows up with a baby that she claims isn’t hers. When a bounty hunter arrives asking questions, Daniel’s protective instincts kick in, along with his suspicions. What is his new wife hiding?
Rachel looked past Daniel to her reflection in the shop window. Her clothing was wrinkled and soiled, the hems of her sleeves frayed, the toes of her boots and the hem of her skirt dusty. Next to him, in his smart suit and crisp collared shirt with a tie, she looked like a homeless urchin.
Rachel pressed her lips together, and switched her dilapidated valise from one hand to the other. If she was going to go through with this marriage, the least she could do was look respectable.
“I’m not some charity case,” she said. “I’ll pay you back.”
“Whatever you wish,” Daniel said, as he pushed open the shop door. A bell over the door tinkled as they entered.
When a woman, whom she assumed to be the proprietress approached, she heard Daniel explain that Rachel’s trunk had gone astray on the train, leaving her in need of a few items of clothing until it showed up.
The proprietress turned to Rachel with a calculating smile, a measure tape draped over her shoulders and massive bosom. When she eyed Rachel as if she were a prize mare, Rachel figured the older woman smelled a lucrative sale for her shop.
“Your figure is quite slim, for having just had a baby,” the proprietress said. “I’m sure your husband will be pleased with whatever you choose.”
“He’s not my husband,” Rachel said. Then seeing the woman’s startled look, she added, “not yet.”
The woman nodded. “Mr. Chambers is quite wealthy, you know,” she said. “And very well-liked by the townsfolk.”
Rachel gave her a pointed look. “I’m not marrying him for his money, but for his kind disposition.”
She wondered if she sounded as sarcastic as she felt, for she hadn’t originally intended to go through with the ceremony. Now, a short time later, she was picking out a gown to wear. For, having glimpsed a shadowed sadness when Daniel’s eyes first met hers, she’d felt a tug at her heart, and couldn’t bring herself to add to whatever had caused that unhappiness.

Kathleen Lawless blames a misspent youth watching Rawhide, Maverick and Bonanza for her fascination with cowboys, which doesn’t stop her from creating a wide variety of interests and occupations for her alpha male heroes.
Her hero, Steele, in UNDERCOVER, is a modern-day cowboy, so when she was wooed by a man called Steel— while he’s not a cowboy, he is an Alpha male and her forever hero. Which is why all of her stories end Happily Ever After.
Not that she can ever stick to just one genre. So many stories to tell—never enough time.
With close to 30 published novels to her credit, she enjoys pushing the boundaries of traditional romance into historical romance, romantic suspense, women’s fiction and stories for young adults.
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