Well, I can't really remember anything else. Oh! There was a hardware store called "Handy Dan's". I can't remember if the movie theater was already here. We sure didn't have a mall. And we really only had one grocery store.
But, I have a VERY vivid memory of one place. It's called Cloth World. And you can probably tell by its name what it was.
In case you can't, let me paint you a picture...
Fabric. Everywhere. Lace everywhere. RIBBONS everywhere.
Drawers and drawers and drawers of patterns. Books upon books upon books of different styles of dresses, rompers, pants, vests...
Good gosh, the list goes on. And on. Forever. Neverending.
It took sooooo long to find the style, then she had to find the pattern, and then the material, and then the notions.
Do you know what notions are? Hmmm? I do!
Notions are the buttons and the zippers and the ribbons and the trim.
And do you think it stops there?
No, it doesn't, because guess what? We still have to buy the right thread!
We spent hours and hours and hours there. Life whittled away. Daylight turned to dusk. It was agony. Like nails being driven into my forehead. Or math drills.
And let me tell you something else...
My little town is kind of big now. We have a mall and multiple movie theaters and lots of restaurants -- we actually have the most Mexican restaurants in the state of Texas -- and two Walmarts and two Targets and, well, you get the picture. Businesses have come and gone. They've moved to bigger buildings. They've gone belly-up.
But NOT Cloth World. It's still there. In the SAME PLACE. It's called Joann's now, but it's STILL there.
Thankfully, the "Big Idea" girls can't drag me in there anymore. I have my own car. And I DON'T sew. I refuse. They can have their Crochet Club, their Wine and Knitting Club, their Stitch and B@#$! Club.
Me...I'm good. I sit on my couch...NOT sewing.