I'm sure the mothers had a baby shower for this one, but I don't remember it. "Big Ideas" abound with this group, and if there was a chance for a party, well then, you HAD to HAVE the party.
The best part about the wait was, of course, wondering what Grace was gonna have. Boy or girl? Red hair or blonde?
November approached, and I hoped it would be a Thanksgiving baby. Then we could call it "Little Turkey".
(I don't know why I thought that would be a cute idea.)
I didn't really care what it came out to be, boy or girl. Adding girls to the group wasn't important to me. I had my girls. And, I didn't need large numbers of females to do whatever I wanted to do. I just did it.
And so would this little one. She, or he, would just do exactly what she, or he, wanted to do......