In the Spring, the heart of Texas gets covered in wild flowers. It's a riot of color. They follow the roads, curl over the hills and hug the fence posts. I can't begin to tell you how beautiful it is, and the pictures I post won't do it justice.
If you ever want to visit Texas, come in early April and make sure you spend time in the Hill Country. You won't be disappointed.
But I can't talk about all of them. No matter how much I might want to. Texas Wildflowers have been some of my favorite things since I was five. I wait desperately each Spring for them to appear. People call me and tell me how good the season was.
If you're interested, and want to learn more, you can visit the Texas Wildseed Farm. They do God's work there.
To tide you over, because it's only January, here's a picture...
Is there somewhere, some time, that is like Heaven for you? Fairy tale scenes are everywhere, and I promise if you look, you'll fine one!