Today we have Nancy Fraser, who is highlighting D*mn Near Perfect, the first book in her steamy romance series, Cougars and Cubs. Take it away, Nancy!
D*mn Near Perfect was written as an escape...namely mine. I first conceived the plot for this book right after my divorce. A couple of friends, also divorced, suggested we have a monthly chat luncheon where we could commiserate our failed marriages.
Those luncheons were hilarious and led to stories of dating disasters, failed attempts at casual sex. You name it, we failed at it. The few of us who tried dating often ended up with younger men. This gave me the idea for an age-gap romance series which I’ve titled, Cougars & Cubs. D*mn Near Perfect is the first book in the series and is a very, very steamy romance. Fair warning, it does contain language and steamy love scenes that some reader may find HAWT!
One of my favorite parts comes from experiences in my first apartment following my separation. The nightly activity of my neighbors spawned the idea for the book’s beginning and how my frustrated heroine might react.

Did you dedicate this book to anyone?
D*mn Near Perfect is dedicated to my daughters-in-law, Lesley and Theresa. The put up with my two sons, provided me with wonderful grandchildren, and neither of them are embarrassed by the fact their mother-in-law writes steamy romance.
Nancy has a giveaway!
I’d love to giveaway any ebook in my catalog to two randomly chosen winners from those who comment on the post. The winners can visit my website read about everything I write, and choose the book they’d like to receive.
Can you share an excerpt?
Beth lit the tapered candles and opened a bottle of expensive red wine so it could breathe. Harry would be there at any minute. Always prompt, the investment banker was finally going to get what he’d been hinting at on their last two dates.
Everything set, they’d have a quick dinner, a bit of serious foreplay, some hot sex and maybe—just maybe—she’d be asleep before her upstairs neighbor came home.
The security buzzer chimed Harry Patterson’s arrival. The hand-carved clock in the foyer cuckooed seven times. Checking her appearance in the hallway mirror, Beth pressed the release switch on the outside entrance and opened her apartment door in anticipation.
Moments later, the elevator door slid open and Harry, decked out as always in a two-thousand-dollar Armani suit, stepped into the hall. Beth could see another man standing just inside the elevator. The stranger raised his head and their gazes met. He smiled, a teasingly devilish grin, and then he winked at her. His gaze swept over her, leaving a trail of heat in its wake.
Harry, damn him, came forward, his approach blocking her line of vision, stealing from her a last glimpse of one of the most handsome men she’d ever seen, interrupting the wave of warmth flooding her body
“Beth, darling. How have you been?” Harry asked, his voice filled with arrogant indifference.
Okay, enough small talk. Let’s eat and then hit the sack.
Rather than voice her conscience’s desire for immediate action, she said instead, “I’m fine, Harry. How about you?”
“As good as can be expected, given the state of the market lately. Are those investments I recommended holding up for you?”
“They’re fine, I guess. I really don’t keep track.”
She could see shock and disappointment in the darkening of his gaze.
“Really, Beth, you’ve got to pay more attention. You’re not getting any younger you know. And, given what you lost in the divorce settlement, it’s imperative you start rebuilding your portfolio.”
“It’s only been a year or two. And, I’m not that old.”
He took a step closer and laid his palm against her cheek. His hands were soft, she noticed, probably softer than her own. She tried to imagine how they’d feel caressing her body, yet the image wouldn’t come. She closed her eyes and waited. Instead of conjuring up a picture of the two of them engaged in a steamy clinch, she saw the man in the elevator, his grin taunting her, his gaze assessing her.
Most men, she realized, would take the demure closing of her eyes, the subtle show of submission, as encouragement. Not Harry.
Rather than suggest skipping their meal altogether, he asked, “What’s for dinner?”

D*mn Near Perfect by Nancy Fraser
Beth Andrews has given up on ever finding a happily-ever-after. Still smarting from a bitter divorce, she’s decided the only thing she truly needs is sex.
Unfortunately, wanting sex and actually finding it are two very different things.
Jonathan Tucker is perfectly satisfied with his bachelor lifestyle. He has a wonderful career, a kick-ass new condo, and any woman he wants. As often as he wants. At twenty-seven, he’s convinced he’s living life exactly as it should be.
Will the older, albeit sexy, ad executive and the handsome, talented artist both find there’s more to life than what they have now? Or, will they be satisfied with what the both claim to want—d*mn near perfect sex!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08D7T5MG2/
Like most authors, Nancy began writing at an early age, usually on the walls and with crayons or, heaven forbid, permanent markers. Her love of writing often made her the English teacher’s pet which, of course, resulted in a whole lot of teasing. Still, it was worth it.
Published in multiple genres, Nancy currently writes for four publishers. She has published over thirty books in full-length, novella, and short format.
When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.
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