Erik is attempting to adopt two children he rescued from the bombing, but his injury is making things difficult. Next door lives Tessa Porter, a foster child who bounced from home to home, never having a true family. She has always wanted to be part of a big, loving family like the Storms.
Erik and Tessa enter into a marriage of convenience so he can get the kids. Erik is physically a wreck while Tessa has major emotional issues from her past. The children help to heal them both and bring them together to be a truly imperfectly perfect family.
What I really love about this story is watching Erik and Tessa slowly fall in love. I love seeing Tessa accepted immediately into the folds of the larger Storm family and how it allows her to grow and blossom in so many ways.
Do you have a favorite part?
I have so many favorite parts of this story but one of my favorites is when Tessa gets news of one of her biological parents. Erik is right there to support her through all the emotional baggage that comes with it. I still can’t read through a few of those scenes without getting teary-eyed.
Tessa has a real fear of being in crowds but has agreed to help Erik get the house ready for the children.
Is the book dedicated to anyone?
This book is dedicated to my husband and children who have always been my biggest cheerleaders.
Elusive dreams sounds like a tear-jerker in all the good ways! These characters are already pulling at my heart strings!
“Enchanted or Lovable?”
Erik turned his head and stared at Tessa sharply. “What?”
She held up two of the color samples she’d been looking through. “This one’s called Enchanted and this one is called Lovable. What do you think?”
“They look pink.” What was he doing here looking at pink paint samples?
Tessa pursed her lips. “They are pink. But this one’s a bit softer than this one. Or maybe you’d prefer Rosebud or Demure Pink.”
She was serious about this paint color thing. He figured they’d come to the hardware store, tell the clerk they wanted a few gallons of pink and blue paint. Who the heck came up with all these colors? And the stupid names to go with them?
Without looking, he stuck out his finger and pointed at a color. “That one?”
Her full lips frowned.
“What? It’s not a good one?”
“It’s called Party Time. And if you put this bright pink on the walls, you’d need sunglasses to walk in the room. Something softer will look better. Or we can go with one of these peach colors.”
When she picked up a few more sample cards, his head began to swim. He limped a few yards away allowing her the time to analyze the colors. There were thousands of them. How was anyone supposed to be able to choose?
A family walked through the aisle with some teenage boys who were teasing each other. They weren’t watching where they were going and bumped into Tessa. As she whipped around, she dropped the cards and pulled her hands up tight to her chest. Her eyes widened, and her mouth pinched closed. What the hell?
The damn crutches made it impossible to move quickly toward her. She stared at the teens as they jostled past and one said a casual, “Sorry, lady.”
“Pick those up for her,” the mom ordered and both boys scooped the samples from the floor and held them out for Tessa. She looked at them as if they were poisonous snakes.
Reaching out, he grabbed the cards. “Thanks.”
The boys took off muttering under their breath. What they said wasn’t totally clear but the word, ‘weirdo’ floated back at him. If he thought he wouldn’t have landed on his ass on the floor, he would have smacked them.
When he turned around, Tessa was facing the display. Her head hung down, her shoulders sagged, and her hands gripped the edge of the display case tightly. Damn. Why hadn’t he been more aware of their surroundings? She’d been excited about the paint colors and now she was closing up like a freakin’ clam. Something she’d done often in the past, not today though.
Award winning and best-selling author, Kari Lemor writes forever and always love stories. She is the author of the Love on the Line romantic suspense series as well as the Storms of New England contemporary romance series. Her books focus on the characters and the challenges they face. She loves writing stories in the genre of hope, where characters push past all the hurt and anger and find a way to love each other. To show that if we want it bad enough, and work for it, we can have something good in our lives.
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