The reason I wrote Tempered Truth, book 5 in my Edgy Inspirational Tempered Series can be summed up in my Reader Letter which I include at the end of every book I write…. It was never my intention for the question of whether Craig Harris and Scott Hensley were blood brothers to be a main thread linking the lives of the characters throughout the four previous Tempered books. After all, Proverbs 18:24 tells us that a true friend sticks closer than a brother and they had been true friends their entire lives. Although I addressed that question in Tempered Joy, the answer left me wondering… How? Why? Who? What really happened? Many of you have asked the same questions. That is very true, Pamela. I think "Why" is one I consistently ask all the time. |
My favorite parts of this particular book is the sweet interaction with the two little girls both under 4 who happen to be aunt and niece and are less than 1 yr. apart in age.
Oh, goodness! Only a year apart? And I love it when children are in a scene. They always bring such "realness" to a book. Can you share an excerpt?
“Mi’ter Mike, Mi’ter Mike!” Rikki’s exuberant greeting struck him in the heart as she flung herself in his arms.
“Hey, Princess.”
“Wexie gotta new baby.”
“So, I hear. You like him?”
Red-gold curls bounced off her shoulders when she nodded. “I wanna take him home.” Her little lips puckered. “But Mommy says we can’t.”
Mike chuckled. “That wouldn’t be very fair to Tamera Joy, now would it, to take her baby brother?”
A pout creased her pert lips and furrowed her tiny brow. “Not fair.”
To my faithful Tempered fans new and old. Thank you for following this series from beginning to end. I pray you are blessed 100-fold for your continued love and support. I appreciate you more than words can say.

Fate declared them neighbors. Scandal insisted they were brothers. The fact that they looked enough alike to be twins only added fuel to the rumors flying about their parentage.
For fifty-plus years Craig Harris and Scott Hensley have enjoyed a bond nothing can sever.
Not the insinuations that they share the same father.
Not the years of strife and grief and heartache.
Not even death.
Will the truth set them free, or will it destroy the friendship that has lasted a lifetime?

Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ and reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.” Sign up to receive Pam’s newsletter and get a FREE short story!
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